How can I create an SMS Package?

How can I create an SMS Package?

When configuring SMS settings in the portal, you can design SMS packages.

  1. Log in to your institution portal account panel.

  2. In the top right, click your account name to open the account panel.

  3. Click the Company option. Your company’s profile is displayed.

  1. On the left, click SMS. The list of SMS packages (created and inherited) are displayed.


  1. To create a new SMS package, click the Create an SMS Package button. You must enter the SMS package details and parameter mapping details.

The SMS package details include the following:

  • Package Name – Enter the name of the SMS package.

  • Service Provider – Enter the name of the SMS service provider.

  • Message Limit – Enter the total number of messages that can be sent. If a message limit is not provided, it will be considered as ‘Unlimited’ SMS.

  • Valid Till – Select the package validity date. When the date passes the validity date, messages cannot be sent. If a date is not provided, it will be considered as ‘Lifetime’ validity.

  • Character Limit – Enter the total number of characters that make up one message. If left blank, the character limit per message is taken as 160. In some cases, service providers may include a few characters of their own as part of the messages being sent, in such cases, specify the character limit accordingly.

  1. Enter the parameter mapping details provided by the service provider. The ‘sender name’ is the name the recipients will see when they receive an SMS text message. If you enter a sender name and enable Sender name modification, the sender name can be changed when assigning the package to a school. If you disable Sender name modification, the sender name cannot be changed.

  2. After you have entered all the details, click the Create button.

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