How can I Create / Edit / Delete a Fee Category?
Create a Fee category:
To create any Fee collection, initially create different fee categories under which different fee types / particulars can be grouped.
At the top of your dashboard, click the Module Access Icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees > Create Category.
Fig 1
In the Name field, enter the name of the fee category.
In the Description field, enter a short description about the fee category.
Select the batches to which this fee category will be applied.
5. Click the Save button.
Edit/Delete a Fee category:
Fee categories can be edited or deleted only if the fee category does not contain fee particulars.
At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees to open the Create Fees page.
Select a batch. The list of fee categories created for the batch will be displayed as depicted in Fig 2.
Fig 2.
Click Edit to edit a fee category, or click Delete to delete a fee category.
For more information, watch this-
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