How can I edit or inactivate or delete a leave type?

How can I edit or inactivate or delete a leave type?

If you do not want a leave type to be available at the time of applying for leave, you can inactivate it or delete it. However, you cannot delete a leave type that has already been used to apply for leave.

At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > Human Resource > HR Settings > Leave Types to open the Leave Types page.

  1. Click Edit beside the leave type, make the necessary changes, and then click the Update button. Leave types that are inactivated are moved under the Inactive leave types list.

        Fig 1.

  1. Click the checkbox Inactive under Status in order to Inactivate the leave types as depicted in Fig2.

       Fig 2.

  2. Click Delete beside the leave type you want to delete as depicted in Fig 3.


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