Fees will be different for different batches/semesters. The fee category will help institutions to configure this batch-wise. This fee category can be used for scheduling the fee collection date in the next step.
To create “Fee Category”, the user needs to follow the below steps:
Go to Menu > Administration > Finance > Fees > Create Fees.
Step 1: Click on Create Category.
Step 2: Enter the category name and description.
Step 3: Select the batch/batches, by clicking on the checkbox which belongs to it.
Step 4: Select the “Fee Account”
Step 5: Select the “Receipt Template”
Step 6: Select the “Receipt Sets”
Step 7: Click on the “Save” button to save the settings.
Fee categories can be edited or deleted only if the fee category does not contain fee particulars.
Note: User will not be able to edit or delete fee category once anyone starts making payment