What if the user forgets the password?

What if the user forgets the password?

If a user forgets the password, it can be recovered using the 'forgot password' link in the login screen.

By clicking on this, the user can enter the user name and the password reset link will be sent to the email id associated with that User name.

Note: For this to work effectively,

  • SMTP setting has to be done for the institution in accounts panel,
  • An email id should be associated or added with that the respective user. If the user has added email id in their profile, he/she will be getting notification that reset link has been sent to your email as shown below.

Once he logged in to his respective Email id, he/she will be provided with reset link,  where the user can reset password as shown below.

For more clarifications, please watch this.


Otherwise, if 'forgot password' won't work. In such cases, the user has to inform the Fedena Admin and administrator or a privileged employee (Manage Users privilege is required) may need to change the password for a user account for security reasons, or if the user has forgotten the password and not able to reset it.

At the top of your dashboard, click the module access icon > Administration > User to open the Manage Users page.

  1. Search for the user

  2. When you find the user, click on the user’s name. Basic details of the user’s profile is displayed.

  3. Click the Change password button. The Change password page is displayed.

      1. Enter the new password, and then again enter the new password to confirm.

      2. Click the Update button.

      For more clarifications, watch this.


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